I want to know how to check spelling and grammar online to improve my documents, I like the sound of your service but I have a couple of extra questions;
1. Can your service correct the spelling of some obscure technical words?
The dictionary utilized contains many words that are not within the dictionary of your word processor and new words are added each and every day.
2. Will this service check spelling as you type?
No, this is an online text editor; you have to paste your text into the service to have it checked fully to exacting standards.
3. Can the program check grammar to the level required for academic writing?
You are able to select the type of document that you are editing to give relevant grammar results. Academic grammar is just one of the demanding areas for grammar that you can select.
4. My word processor often highlights correctly spelt technical words as being incorrect, will your spell check?
The correct spelling check will be conducted on this service against a far more advanced and comprehensive dictionary.
5. Do you have a spelling check toolbar?
Currently this is an online service where you will have to visit the site to make use of it.
6. Do I have to download any software to use this service?
No; this is a fully online service.
7. Can you check my grammar thoroughly?
We utilize over 150 different grammar rules within our algorithm to check your text 100%
8. Can you detect if the text contains copied material?
Our plagiarism detection system will not only detect copied material, it will also generate references should you wish to use the text still.
9. If I use a word out of context can your checker spot it?
Our contextual spell check will easily find words used out of context such as to, two and too.
10. Is this service the same as ABC check spelling?
No this service can be utilized to check text from any source to a much higher level of accuracy.
11. Can you do an Italian spelling Check?
This service offers multiple languages; you can even conduct an Afrikaans spelling check.
12. Will your Grammar check explain how to correct any problems?
Unlike some other programs we utilize over 150 rules of grammar within our checks; you will be notified as to exactly what the problems are with any highlighted text and will be presented with a number of solutions to correct the problem; you will not be left guessing.
13. If I use an inappropriate work can you improve my writing?
This service uses an advanced thesaurus which will be able to make suggestions for more appropriate text for the level of documentation that you are producing.