Among the common mistake of people in writing is the usage of punctuation. The wrong use of punctuations can either make or break an article. For this reason, many students and professionals hire other people to check their works. However, humans as they are, they can still make mistakes. However, the good thing is there are online punctuation checker available in the internet today that can be trusted.
Importance of Punctuation Checkers
There are a number of reasons why punctuations should properly be checked before you turn in your works to your teachers, boss, editors and the likes.
- For students, your submitted papers with wrong usage of punctuations will likely get low grades.
- For companies, your clients will not entertain your pitch if your paper itself is a bad one with plenty of punctuation misuse.
- For writers, your articles and other written materials will not be bringing you money if they are poorly written and are filled with punctuation errors.
Online Punctuation Checker
There is no need to worry anymore for there are English spell checkers that can correct your write-ups. The punctuation checker online is reliable and they give you the result in just a matter of minutes. Here are the top five online checkers.
1. Grammarly
This online checker scores very high in terms of accuracy. It is also very easy to use and it offers you feedbacks that will aid you with your grammar. The cons of this checker are that as compared to its competition, it is slower and it does not have a live chat.
2. White Smoke
This checker is greatest when it comes to customer support. It is accurate as well and convenient. But unlike others, it does not offer grammar practices and it cannot really tell you where you went wrong. Overall, this service is a good one in catching mistakes.
3. Correct English Complete
Like others of its kind, this checks the mistakes that you made in your papers most especially the mistakes in punctuation.
4. Spell Check Pro
It can check your mistakes and summarizes them according to categories and then it will give you feedbacks.
5. Ginger
This works in real time and it highlights your mistakes, even while you are typing.
If you are not confident with your work, or simply want to check the grammar and the punctuations of your write-ups, you can just go online and check the spell checkers above.