If you Google spelling check you will find a host of sites that offer various services from proof reading to online spelling checks, try and Google check spelling and you will see what I mean (Or did you Google spelling check to arrive here?)
Putting spelling check in Google can give you a confusing list of sites to choose from to help you sort out your spelling and grammar within your writing. But it is vital that you get your spelling correct within your writing so you need to make the right choice.
Many people do not really understand the impact of poor spelling within their work but if they stop and consider the view point of the reader then maybe they would understand the importance a little better. Work with spelling mistakes tells the reader that the writer has not looked after the details of their work and that they did not view their writing as important enough to spend time with to correct it. Maybe these traits will also be seen in other work that the individual undertakes.
How effective is your current spell check?
Google spelling check and see if there is anyone that recommends using your word processing package for checking any important documents. I took great care and attention over my dissertation when I wrote it, there were no spelling mistakes and nothing that my word processor highlighted for grammar and my proof reading I thought had caught errors that the computer had missed as there were a number of words that I had put that were out of context and other problems. But despite my computer showing no problems my dissertation was still rejected for problems with grammar and spelling!
Since then I have learnt a lot about spelling and grammar to try to keep myself on the right side of what I used to term the spelling police (My old tutors.) I no longer rely on my word processor, having instead found more accurate programs to use. Now I have the same opinion as my old tutors with regards to the importance of spelling and I expect nothing but the best from any document that is passed to me.
Google Spelling Check
spellingcheck.info has a very powerful spelling and grammar check that will find any problems with your written word very quickly and far more efficiently than your current word processor. You only have to transfer your document into the space provided and use check to begin.
You will find that the spell check and grammar check will manage to find the words that have been used out of context, with incorrect tenses and any other problem you may have inadvertently managed to create when typing.
By using this service you will get very clear instructions as to what problems exist with your grammar and you will be instructed as to how to correct your issues. A feature that I have found very educational, so good that it has managed to help me prevent many of my more common grammar mistakes in future work.