What are common English words that people improperly spell all the time? Check out the following for an idea, as well as learn how to spell these words correctly. Later, also learn how to practice spelling and improve your vocabulary as well.
The 23 Words People Spell Wrong All The Time
What are common English words that people improperly spell all the time? Check out the following for an idea, as well as learn how to spell these words correctly. Later, also learn how to practice spelling and improve your vocabulary as well:
- Weird (wierd). Breaking everyone’s favorite spelling rule – “i” before “e” except after “c” this word is really weird, and there is no doubt about it.
- Accommodate (acommodate, accomodate). If you want to learn how to spell this word correctly, just remember that it can accommodate many letters in the word.
- Indict (indite). Do not be baffled by this word, along with related word indictment and indictable, both in pronunciation and spelling.
- Handkerchief (hankerchief). You should not be confused and lose the ‘d’ in handkerchief. The next time around, you will know how to spell the word aside from recognizing this is a piece of cloth used in blowing your nose.
- Cemetery (cemetary). You should not be tempted to have an ‘a’ in the word cemetery. You should not confuse it with graveyard that comes with two ‘a’s.’
Practicing Spelling
Write the spelling of a hard to spell word in a piece of paper and stick it on the mirror. Every time you look at the mirror, you will see the correct spelling. In time, you will learn how to memorize difficult to spell words effortlessly.
Next, you can practice by jotting down words, which meaning you do not know. Check their meanings in the dictionary. In the process, you don’t only learn spelling but also new vocabulary. Always have a spelling journal in handy. Use it and write down words you come across daily. This will not only improve your spelling skills, but also your vocabulary. Use English spell checker that corrects your mistakes on the spot. In the process, you will determine those mistakes that you can write correctly next time you are using the words you misspelled.
Always check your spelling and be aware about all the rules with our website! Visit spellingcheck.info today!